Published online articles that have featured quotes from Bob Bentz. I am happy to provide interviews to bloggers and online publishers; all I ask for in return is a simple link back to our site.
3/17/23 — Top Agency Experts: Hustling to Execute a Vision
Many agencies rely on word-of-mouth to generate enough leads and create a consistent scaling model. This method is effective because it allows you to acquire multiple customers simultaneously. The hardest part is finding one new client to spread your reputation.
12/2/22 — What is the Best Brand Marketing in 2022
Recently, with the demise of cookies and other privacy concerns, the ability to target consumers that would be most likely to purchase your product have come under increased opposition, especially in the markets of finance, employment, and real estate.
9/21/22 — 1-900-20K-HRTZ
In the late 80s and early 90s, 900 numbers were all the rage. For a couple bucks a minute, you could call and hear from Hulk Hogan and Freddy Kreuger, have a psychic predict your future, and even find true love. In this episode, we dig into the wild world of 900 numbers, and explore why they came about, what made them so appealing, and why they ultimately faded away. Featuring Doug Fraser of the Curious State podcast, 900 number experts Bob Bentz and David Wood, and a surprise guest…
5/4/22 – Working 60 Hours Per Week? Try Out These 21 Schedules
“To be successful as an entrepreneur and compete with larger companies, you have to work longer and harder to be profitable.”
3/31/22 — Charles Barkley and Shaq Talk About Bob Bentz’s Mobile Marketing Class at WVU
In this video, Charles Barkley and Shaq believe that Bob Bentz’s mobile marketing class will go all the way and win March Madness at WVU.
3/31/22 — IMC-629 Mobile Marketing Class Taught by Bob Bentz at the West Virginia University IMC Program
Learn more about the IMC 629 Mobile Marketing graduate level class at West Virginia University. In the class, you’ll set up an actual text message marketing and Facebook advertising campaign. You’ll learn things that can help in your career next week!
3/28/22 — The Journey of an Entrepreneur
Purplegator was established in 2017. In this episode we discuss Bob’s journey as an entrepreneur and how he’s grown Purplegator.
3/24/22 — Sebastian Maniscalco Tabs Bob Bentz as Best Professor at WVU
Listen to what Sebastian Maniscalco has to say about the March Madness bracket and Bob Bentz of West Virginia University’s Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) program.
2/9/22 — 2022 Marketing Trends and Predictions from Business Experts
One relatively easy thing that you can do online for 2022 is to optimize your Google Business Profile (formerly known as Google My Business). Especially for B to B businesses, there’s no better social media platform to put your effort into than Google Business Profile.
1/4/22 — A Visit to the Ballpark Inspires a Unique Fashion Item
Listen to the podcast about how Bob and Barb Bentz began their Ballpark Sweaters business.
12/31/21 — A Mobile First Perspective on B2B Growth Marketing
The President of Purplegator, Bob Bentz offers us insight into how they operate their business, who they serve and how they, too, leverage mobile-first marketing.
12/17/21 — Bob’s Basketballs | KPI and Profitability Analysis
Mobile and digital marketers are almost always creative, but it is equally important for marketers to be analytical as well. Watch this compelling story about a new business, Bob’s Basketballs.
11/3/21 — IMC 629 Mobile Marketing with Bob Bentz
Chad Mezera interviews Bob Bentz about the IMC 629 Mobile Marketing Course as part of the WVU M.S. Integrated Marketing Communications and M.S. Digital Marketing Communications online programs.
10/14/21 — How Long Does SEO Take to Work?
“Beginning in month 4, we start to see a steady increase as all of the on-page improvements start to get indexed and the third party link building begins to have a profound effect.”
9/3/21 — How to Start a Blog
On many occasions, we’ve been contacted by businesses who say that they are not ranking at all for their site — not even for their brand name. Often, there is a very easy solution to this problem.
7/20/21 — Training Needs for the Digital Talent
“I’m happy to invest in training for staff members and willing for them to dedicate a day or two to in person training and invest over a thousand dollars if needed. It comes back to the company in increased productivity, new ideas and increased job satisfaction.”
7/7/21 — Content Marketing Tips for B to B Businesses
When it comes to B2B content marketing, I have always believed that if you position yourself as the expert, the business will come your way.
6/9/21 — The Power of Digital Marketing, PPC & Email
Know Math. You can’t avoid math in digital marketing. We know that you are a creative talent, but to analyze the results of campaigns, you have to be good at math also. It’s not all about making clever images and writing good copy. If you can’t be testing different creative and analyzing results, you’ve only done half the job.
2/26/21 — 30 SEO’s Share…
You can’t possibly take all of the keywords that the site ranks in the top 100 for and try to optimize all of them.
2/14/21 — The Heart of a Champion
Your Radio Doctor named Barb Bentz and I as their Champions of the Week for our work with dog rescue.
2/4/21 — Blogging in 2021 – 25 Tips From Experts
The great thing about a blog is that you are able to target a seldom searched for long tail keyword that you may not be able to rank for with your overall website.
1/11/21 — Best Business Advice From Mentors
The best advice that I received from a mentor is that a business always needs to be either expanding or contracting. Standing still is not a logical strategy.
1/1/21 — World Newstand
“We are going to see increased improvement in the technology and the ability to target consumers at the micro level.”
12/28/20 — 10 Ideas to Improve Your Instagram Advertising Campaign
Instagram offers 2000 characters in the description, most of which are never used by most.
12/11/20 — Calculate the ROI of SEO
So, a business needs to have internal KPI’s to be sure that the SEO campaign is on the right track and the company has time to pivot if necessary.
12/10/20 — 18 Ways to Write a Perfect Meta Tag
“Do something unique. Write something a bit crazy,”
12/08/20 — Entrepreneurs First Salary
I slept on the floor in the office and took showers in the morning at the YMCA.
11/10/20 — Everything PR Interview
With geo conquesting, through our third party data providers, you can identify mobile devices that have been at a specific location, then serve them ads.
10/26/20 — Agency Growth Survey
“We are pleased with the improved quality of geolocation mobile advertising and believe it is the holy grail for mobile and digital if permitted to grow without further regulation concerns.”
9/11/20 — SEO Blog Interview with Bob Bentz
“When a company is interested in hiring a Philadelphia SEO company, there really is no competitive advantage to hiring a local agency since the work can be done from virtually anywhere. I do notice, however, that Philly people prefer to work with local businesses.”
8/19/20 — Increasing Referring Domains to your Website
“People love seeing their names online. After all, how many of you have Googled yourself? Pretty much everybody, right? Get quotes from other industry leaders. Publish them on the blog on your site and watch the backlinks come in via their own sites and their social media. It’s an easy way to get links and more visits.”
8/4/20 — Cold Calling Scripts
Sometimes, you may not get to speak to anyone. Pipedrive has a great script from Bob Bentz that will help you leave a voicemail that converts into a callback.
8/3/2020 — Top Digital Marketing Agency “Purplegator”
By combining both online marketing and mobile marketing, Purplegator has established itself as a leader in the marketing industry across the United States.
7/31/20 — University of Denver
Joseph especially loved Bob Bentz’s digital marketing course — he loved Bob’s leadership style, the book Bob wrote for the course, and found the curriculum to be extremely relevant to his work at the time in Real Estate lead generation.
5/14/20 — The Number One Source for New Business in 2020
With geo conquesting, we can target a specific address, such as an industry trade show, and serve mobile advertisements to those at the event in real time.
4/28/20 — 70 Tips for Agencies To Get Through This Crisis
I’ve also acquired a few 0% interest credit cards. If you have advertising costs on a credit card and have slower cash flow, you can move the balance onto a credit card that allows you to put it there for several months without payment.
4/26/20 — How to Promote a Business During a Recession
“The best marketing to do in a down economy, or a pandemic, is pay per click advertising.”
4/20/20 — CMS Wire
“SlideShare has really powerful SEO, and the presentations we load on it seem to immediately get traction,” Bentz said, “It’s not unusual to get 100 views in the first half hour.”
4/19/20 — B2B Marketing Trends
One of the coolest things about geo-conquesting is that it is also possible to determine which devices that showed your advertising, then visited the advertiser’s store.
4/12/20 — Seattle Times
When Robert Bentz applied to TD Bank on Monday, he was told he’d hear from the bank in three to five days. Bentz, owner of Purplegator, a digital marketing company based in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, subsequently got an email from a TD staffer saying his application was being reviewed.
4/2/20 — What Marketers Should Avoid Doing in the Coronavirus Crisis
There may be less people willing to buy right now, but when this virus gets behind us, and it will, there will be pent up demand for your product or service.
3/1/20 — A Step By Step Guide to SMS Marketing
“If you are trying to reach a white-collar businessperson, send your text messages at 57 minutes after the hour,” Bentz says. “That’s when busy executives are waiting for their next meeting to start and are spending time looking at their mobile phone.”
2/5/20 — Web Development Shifts to a Mobile First Approach
What makes mobile first different, however, is that the web designer considers its mobile users first and then desktop users.
1/1/20 — Marketing Your Restaurant in a Digital World
“With geoconquesting, you can find mobile devices down to the address level, so you could find the mobile phones that have visited your store to later serve them ads and encourage repeat visits. Or you might serve ads to mobile devices that have visited competing pizzerias.”
11/27/19 — SEO Tips for Hotels and Motels
Not sure what the Google Featured Snippet is? It’s that highest result that comes in a box atop a traditional Google search result. It is used more than any other search result when giving the first result of a Google home voice search.
11/6/19 — 2020 Marketing Trends
“With geo-fencing, a retailer can serve advertisements to its own customers that have visited the store in the past or, better yet, target mobile devices that have visited competing stores.”
10/28/19 — Businesses See a Sales Lift with Texting
Bob Bentz, president of Advanced Telecom Services, traces the first significant uptick in text message marketing to the 2016 presidential election. During the debates, each candidate had a sign in front of the podium asking supporters to text to a specific number to opt in for campaign communications.
8/30/19 — 13 Worst Interview Answers
One candidate bragged that she “loved being on unemployment” because “you get paid to do nothing.”
7/3/19 — 50 Marketers Share Their Best Local Business Marketing Tips
When else do you hear about customers ASKING to receive your advertising?
5/22/19 — 97 Super Effective Sales Tips
It’s a simple law of averages. The more times you step up to the plate, the more chances you’ll gain to have a hit.
5/8/19 — Expert Tips to Improve Your Site’s User Experience
“Be sure to reserve your business name on all social media profiles even if you don’t plan on using them in the short term. You may not have a need right now for some of the social media sites, but you should still reserve it before somebody else.”
4/12/19 — What to Love About Being an Entrepreneur
The best thing about being an entrepreneur is gaining success for your employees, not yourself.
1/24/19 — Instagram get Hacked?
“If I just could have spoken to a human being at Instagram, it could have been saved.”
12/13/18 — The Ultimate Guide To Digital Marketing Trends 2019
The idea of the chatbot is to generate a lead for the business regardless of what time that chat occurs.
9/24/18 — 25 Books Every Marketing Student Should Read
Always ahead of the curve, Bob Bentz has decades of experience in marketing, IVR, 800 and 900 numbers, ringtones, and now social and mobile marketing and he covers all areas in depth.
8/21/18 – Creative Pizza Advertising Ideas
It’s not the sexiest part of mobile marketing today, but it will provide the best ROI for anything that your restaurant does.
8/8/18 — In Demand Jobs
With our aging population, there is an increasing need for nurses and it will be impossible for supply to keep up with demand.
6/11/18 — How to Increase Twitter Followers
4/24/18 — Leadership Quotes
It’s amazing how the busiest person in the office always seems to make the deadlines.
4/19/18 — Ladders
Read the crazy question that I ask candidates. If you are applying for a job here and are doing your research, mention this to me and you’ll have an advantage!
3/11/18 — Sarasota Herald-Tribune
“When it comes to mobile and digital advertising, Facebook is the gorilla in the room.”
3/4/18 — Social Media Marketing Tips
Many business owners are camera shy and don’t want to create videos, but the fact is that you don’t need to have Hollywood level production anymore for your customers to watch it.
2/14/18 — Unique Interview Questions
“I want a salesperson who answers the question confidently and is almost offended that it was asked in the first place.”
1/31/18 — Tips on Social Media Marketing
On Instagram, the image is the message, engagement is high, and your promotional posts will appear to be native to the consumer since you’ll be using the same great targeting abilities offered by Facebook.
1/30/18 — Grit and Perseverance
“I have always believed that there’s always going to be people smarter than me, but I’ve always believed that I can outwork anyone.”
1/29/18 — Online Marketing Strategies Businesses of All Size Can Use
“Fifteen second and even six-second videos are best.”
1/27/18 — Social Media Marketing in 2018
On Instagram, the image is the message, engagement is high, and your promotional posts will appear to be native to the consumer since you’ll be using the same great targeting abilities offered by Facebook.
1/14/18 — Top Social Media Platforms for 2018
…we like the aspirational imagery that the advertisements on Instagram provide. On Instagram, the image is everything.
1/9/18 — 10 Signs You’re Not Prepared for an Interview
I ask candidates right away if they visited our website. If they say yes, I ask them specific questions about what they learned from the website. In many cases, I get, ‘I scanned it quickly’ or ‘I didn’t have time.’ What? You’re unemployed and you didn’t have time? With either of these answers, I can’t get rid of the candidate any quicker.
1/8/18 — Video Marketing Tips
“If your video doesn’t send your message within 6 seconds…Go back and re-do it.”
12/05/17 — Video Marketing and Advertising
“The norm used to be the 30-second video and commercial, but increasingly the 6-second video will become the most effective video ad.”
11/22/17 — Business News Daily
“With GoToMeeting, at any time, you can share your screen and turn the steering wheel over to the customer to do the work,”
8/15/17 — Expert Tips on Text Message Marketing
“When doing B2B SMS marketing, send your text messages five minutes before the top of the hour. Why? That’s when busy executives are preparing for their next meeting and have a few minutes of down time to check their text messages.”
7/12/17 — Most Important KPIs
I rely on the early stage KPI of shares. A share is a vote for your company or your content so it is far more powerful than a Like or comment.
7/11/17 — Get to Know Bob Bentz
When SEO became an art, I became very intrigued and studied it every night. The great thing about SEO is that there has always been so much information available online.
6/21/17 — Social Media Dont’s
Sure, some people may stop following you if they feel you update too often, but I’d gladly trade losing a few followers for the added benefits that Tweeting many times per day brings to your brand.
6/9/17 — Video Marketing Tips
Mobile has taken over, and attention spans on mobile are short and getting even shorter. Make sure your video attracts immediate attention.
6/6/17 — Omnichannel Retailing
When it comes to an omnichannel approach, Starbucks is a company that clearly gets it.
5/31/17 — Expert SEO Tips
The single most important thing that a small business or freelancer can do is to get the title tags right.
5/31/17 — Kabbage
“The best thing about running your own business is seeing the zgrowth of the employees. I find it rewarding even when they leave the company if it is indeed for a better opportunity. Nothing else even comes close to knowing you’ve made a difference in another person’s life.”
5/23/17 — Signs You’re Note Prepared for an Interview
I ask candidates right away if they visited our website.
5/10/17 — Instagram Tips for Millennials
Although Instagram is a visual platform, use all 2,000 words on the description as most business rarely use this feature.
5/8/17 — Hodges University
“Having an MBA doesn’t guarantee success, but it is a nice bonus that, in the employer’s mind, takes away some level of risk in hiring you.”
5/3/17 — How to End Annoying Robocalls
“Your phone number is available so many places. Ever buy anything online? You probably gave your phone number. Loyalty card at the grocery store? It’s likely tied to your phone number.”
4/30/17 — USA Today
“We are living in the day of big data,” telecom guru Bob Bentz told me. “Your phone number is available so many places. Ever buy anything online? You probably gave your phone number. Loyalty card at the grocery store? It’s likely tied to your phone number.
4/24/17 — Video Marketing Tips
“If your video doesn’t send your message within 6 seconds…Go back and re-do it.”
4/20/17 — NBC News
Since calls are nearly free over the internet, the businesses are hoping for that one rare response that will earn them a profit.
4/6/17 — West Virginia University
“The days of the Mad Men era are gone. Retainers for mobile and digital are uncommon, and you have to perform on every promotion, or you may not get another chance.”
4/4/17 — Baseball Could Stand to Speed Things Up a Bit
“Baseball managers should have three timeouts per game, just like other sports,” Bentz said. “Three visits to the mound or three visits to talk to the hitter or baserunner — once those are used, no more stoppages.”
3/28/17 — App Institute
The beauty of mobile advertising is that you don’t need Hollywood production values; a simple mobile phone video can work!
3/15/17 — 10 Communications Quotes We Love
“Mobile brings a powerful array of laser targeting features that were not available at any time in the past. But, to date, advertisers have not been able to take full advantage of them. That is all going to change as marketers continue to become more sophisticated in their ability to manipulate big data and target specific users with even more advanced location-based services.”
3/3/17 — Who Let the Office Dogs Out?
“I am confident that the inclusion of dogs in the office is net positive.”
2/27/17 — My Side Hustle: Ballpark Sweaters
“A lot of people have great ideas, but never take a chance to implement them. A great idea is useless if you aren’t willing to take a chance.”
2/15/17 — Things Sports Parents Need to Stop Doing
“If they need to talk to the coach about any issues, do it after the game is over, not before or during.”
2/1/17– IBM
“We were able to actually draw a perimeter around the college campus and only serve ads to those people who resided within the college campus.”
1/31/17 — 20+ Weirdest Job Interview Questions
What is a quarter of a half?
1/30/17 – 120 Best Interview Questions
I ask this question because math is a fundamental skill that employees need when it comes to analyzing the success of advertising campaigns.
1/17/17 — Online Reputation
A business should respond to all complaints and calmly give their side of the story.
1/3/17 — Best Inbound Marketing Tactics
While creating a list of opt-ins may seem to be a daunting task, it is precisely why text message marketing works so darn well – people are ASKING to receive your advertising!
1/1/17 — New Year’s Business Resolutions
My New Year’s Resolution is to get out of the office more and find that talent, so I don’t have to advertise when we have an opening.
12/16/16 — Improve Your Instagram Advertising
“Instagram offers 2000 characters in the description, most of which are never used by most. For a business, however, it makes sense to take advantage of a lot of the copy that is available. By using more keywords and more hashtags in the description, it makes it far easier for the post to be found by new prospective customers.”
12/12/16 — How to Get a Job in Marketing
“Take advantage of your fellow alumni who look back fondly on their college days and want to meet recent graduates to get an update on what is happening on campus,”
12/8/16 — The Future of Marketing
When it comes to mobile advertising, you are going to see an increased use of video in digital. They will be short 6 to 15 seconds in length and production value will not necessarily have to be of Hollywood quality.
12/1/16 — 5 Predictions for the Future of Mobile Recruiting
With geo-conquesting, we can bid high to programmatically show up in apps and on mobile websites at a specific geographic location.
12/1/16 — Signs Your Not Prepared for a Job Interview
I ask candidates right away if they visited our website. If they say yes, I ask them specific questions about what they learned from the website. In many cases, I get, ‘I scanned it quickly’ or ‘I didn’t have time.’ What? You’re unemployed and you didn’t have time? With either of these answers, I can’t get rid of the candidate any quicker.
11/16/16 — How to Cut Costs
“Paying mileage for long trips doesn’t make sense. It’s often much cheaper to rent a car and just pay for the gas!”
11/11/2016 — Forbes
“Instead of having the book signing at a book store, I had it at my favorite pub instead. The result was attendance by over 150 people and over 50 books sold. I don’t think I could have done that at a book store.”
10/27/16 — Money Saving Tips
“One way I save money is by controlling sales expenses. Paying mileage for long trips doesn’t make sense. It’s often much cheaper to rent a car and just pay for the gas!”
10/11/16 — How to Write a Resume
“My favorite one described his job at a restaurant as follows: ‘After cleaning out the bank, I went home happy at night.’ I think what he meant was cleaning out the ‘back.’ Cleaning out the bank probably would be a problem.”
10/10/16 — Facebook Ads for Small Businesses
“Creating an advertisement for Facebook involves six elements if the advertisement is going to appear in the preferable News Feed section.”
10/6/16 – –Huffington Post
When it came to naming my new 354 page book about mobile marketing, I wanted a catchy title, but I also wanted to have the important keywords in the subtitle to attract those people that would search for a book on this subject on Google or within Amazon.
10/6/16 — Let’s Revisit the Glory Days of the 1-900 Number
Bentz founded a company called Advanced Telecom Services to assist 900 number entrepreneurs, and soon he’d helped launch phone lines that look like a preview of today’s most popular websites.
10/3/16 — The Rise and Fall of the 1-900 Number
“There were many high-level, legitimate uses of 900 numbers that never really got the publicity. The scam artists got all the publicity.”
9/26/16 — Launching an App
This (video) will make it stand out from the other two million apps in the App Store and make consumers far more likely to engage and eventually download your app.
9/15/16 — 4 Benefits of Talent Acquisition
“Talent acquisition means attracting passive candidates, rather than active candidates. This is important because passive candidates aren’t looking for a job, since they already have one. That’s why passive candidates are usually superior.”
9/7/16 — Where to Allocate Your Small Business Advertising Dollars
Why advertise in print or radio when the majority of your dollars will be wasted? With mobile, you can target just those people in your immediate geo-targeted area.
9/7/16 — One Big SEM Mistake Small Businesses Make
The biggest mistake I see small businesses make is not in the keyword targeting, but in the product description.
9/4/16 — Capitalize on Micro-Moments
“When people search for something on mobile, it’s often because they are out and about and want something now.”
8/25/16 — The One App I Can’t Live Without
According to Bentz, the Waze app “gets you to your location on the most expedient route,” something that benefits business owners meeting clients in new locations.
8/22/16 — Small Business Website
For small businesses that don’t have a lot of local competition, this effort alone might get you on the first page of Google.
8/15/16 — Mobile on the Mind
One of the biggest disrupters is showrooming. It’s incredibly frustrating for a retailer to engage a shopper in-store, only then to have them search and find a cheaper price online.
8/12/16 — Optimize Your First Sales Meeting
One of my first managers told me that you always need to take a customized, written proposal to a first meeting, and many years later, I still always do that.
8/8/16 — AARP
LinkedIn is a job seeker’s best friend because it avoids gatekeepers—the guard dogs of important executives.
8/1/16 — Mobile SEO
While many elements that are critical in search engine optimization for desktop are the same as mobile, there are some definite differences when optimizing a mobile website.
7/13/16 — The Street
“After all, keeping one additional phone on a family plan doesn’t really cost that much more. But really, the best age to get a child off of your plan is when she gets married – or starts making more money than his or her parents.”
7/8/16 — A Primer on Mobile Display Ads
Consumers are interacting with their smartphone more than ever, and in new ways.
7/1/16 — TIC Beat
“no tener miedo de usar el mismo contenido más de una vez. Si funcionó una vez, utilízarlo de nuevo. Un tweet que fue efectivo puede ser utilizado muchas veces hasta que se produce la disminución de la participación”.
7/1/16 — Downtown Riverside, California
“If you can only do one thing, do a very narrow cast of your advertisement to a highlytargeted Facebook audience.”
6/26/16 — 10 Tips on Social Media Content
“Don’t be afraid to use the same content more than once. If it worked once, use it again. This is more true on some social media sites than others.”
6/21/16 — Podcast on Bob Bentz’s Mobile Marketing Book
We also talk about Bob’s interesting career path, pioneering mobile marketing from his Ringtone days to now being the founder and CEO of PurpleGator, a highly successful mobile agency out of Philadelphia.
5/25/16 — The State of Small Business in Pennsylvania
“Banks are willing to lend money, but only if the small business owner agrees to personally guarantee it. This is a big problem for small business owners, because their larger competitors have access to capital without such guarantees.”
5/24/16 — The Label: Small Business
“In fact, small business owners should be embraced by the public and the government for what they do–take risks.”
5/22/16 — 69 Best Digital Marketing Tips
“With geoconquesting, we can draw a perimeter around the retail location of your competitor and serve ads to those customers within that retail store perimeter.”
5/13/16 — Cold Calling Tips
“I wanted to see if it would make sense for us to have a quick conversation to find out more about it.”
5/2/16 — Craziest Thing You’ve Done For Your Business
“A small business owner is never completely on vacation so there I was on the ocean floor participating in a conference call!”
4/13/16 — Cision
“If you are trying to reach busy business persons, send your social media messages, especially tweets, at three minutes before the top of the hour. Why? That’s when busy executives are waiting for their next meeting to start and are checking their social media accounts.”
3/16/16 — Rapidly Grow Profits
“If you can only do one thing, do a very narrow cast of your advertisement to a highly-targeted Facebook audience.”
3/16/16 — Flex Jobs
“We found that people start to get tired in mid-afternoon, and exercise helps people get over that slump.”
3/14/16 — University of Denver
On writing my book Relevance Raises Response — “I began supplementing the [class’s assigned] book by writing my own content to bring the book up-to-date with the current developments and trends in the industry.”
3/13/16 — E-Commerce Bytes
“On Instagram, users seem interested in every photographic post, whether it is from their friend or a celebrity crush.”
3/9/16 — Fit Small Business
“I ask it because math is a fundamental skill that employees need when it comes to analyzing the success of advertising campaigns.”
2/24/16 — Industrial Weigh & Measure
“There has never been a more powerful marketing medium for businesses than Facebook.”
2/8/16 — The Biggest Mistakes Made in Social Media Marketing
“It takes six months to build a sufficient amount of followers to the point where you get bottom line results.”
1/22/16 — Mobile App Marketing Tips
“Too often, a company spends all of its money on developing an app and does not reserve any money
for marketing the app. That is a rookie mistake.”
1/22/16 — What to Do For Media Attention
“After responding, find the author and contact them via LinkedIn. You’ll be more likely to be chosen if you already have a relationship with the author.”
1/20/16 — How to Redesign a Website
“For many websites, RWD achieves a reasonable balance between mobile-friendliness and ease of implementation.”
1/4/16 — Mobile Marketing Trends 2016
“People are inherently lazy and they aren’t going to read if they can be entertained with a video.”
12/24/15 — Why Outsource Payroll
“The primary benefit is not having to keep up with the changing rules and regulations.”
12/13/15 — Winning Awards
“An industry award is a lot more than just winning a glass trophy!”
12/4/15 — Expert Online Marketing Tips
“A local restaurant, for instance, can promote just to the zip codes where it draws from.”
12/3/15 — Social Media Content Management
“A tweet that was effective can be used many times over until it produces diminishing engagement.”
11/27/15 — Small Business Marketing on the Move
Purplegator discovered that a lot of people driving from Southern California hadn’t made accommodation plans for their arrival in Vegas, so the company geo-fenced sections of the highway that lead to the city, sending ads for the hotel through the Waze directions app which users could click on and be led to the hotel to make their booking.
11/25/15 — The Street.com
“People carry their smartphones everywhere they go. Now, in addition to being their primary device for music, taking pictures, and accessing the internet, the smart phone can now also be their wallet.”
11/24/15 — Business News Daily
Pins on Pinterest have the longest shelf life of any of the social media sites. They will drive traffic to a business website often for years, because of this reincarnation feature.
11/5/15 — Marketing Mojo
“Engagement on Instagram has been 4x greater than our already successful Facebook marketing.”
10/27/15 — My Corporation
“I’ve always known it, but over the years, it I have become even more aware that “Our People are Our Greatest Resource.”
10/1/15 — DIY SEO Tips
Be sure you are listed on local sites that are mobile-centric such as Yelp and Foursquare.
9/23/15 — Top B to B Sales Tips
A handwritten note shows that you have taken the time to establish a relationship and it’s not just a copy of an email you’ve forwarded to hundreds of others. You’ll get a chance to pitch to them after they’ve received your direct mail letter.
8/25/15 — Facebook Advertising for Small Businesses
“With Facebook, there’s no waste in that you can target just your trading area and not the entire city.”
8/17/15 — B to B Content Marketing Strategies
LinkedIn is a great place to post your content, but I’m starting to see it get a bit crowded.
8/5/15 — Email Etiquette
7/28/15 — My Corporation
7/23/15 — Best Time to Send App Push Messages
If you are trying to reach business persons, try sending your messages 3 minutes before the top of the hour. Why? That’s when busy executives are waiting for their next meeting to begin.
7/22/15 — B2B Marketing Advice
LinkedIn is a great place to post your content, but I’m starting to see it get a bit crowded.
7/19/15 — Productivity Tools
With Buffer App, you can work on your social media posts just once per week and set them up to go for the rest of the week.
7/18/15 — Your Resume
“Except for obtaining an entry level job, your GPA is meaningless. It offers no indication of whether you will have a positive ROI for our company.”
7/16/15 — Business Growing Pains
We found one [business] where you could receive faxes for free, and we found one where you could send faxes for free. So, we received from one service and sent from the other one! FREE!
7/8/15 — Things to Take Off Your Resume
“Except for obtaining an entry level job, your GPA is meaningless. It offers no indication of whether you will have a positive ROI for our company.”
7/8/15 — How to Increase Your Marketing ROI
Bob Bentz, president of ATS, suggests sms marketing as a good way to boost your ROI, as the read rate is 4x than of email messaging.
7/7/15 — How to Increase Your Profit Margins
Mobile isn’t getting its fair share (24% of time spent with media, but only 8% of ad dollars) right now so there are real bargains available.
7/1/15 — Business Info Guide
5/4/15 — Starting a Business Blog
Nothing sends a worse message about a business website when a prospect sees that the blog hasn’t been updated in a year.
4/23/15 — How to Use a Blog for Business
I cringe when I go on a business website and the blog is neglected and it gives me the feeling that the business is not on top of its game.
4/22/15 — Future of Digital Marketing
The changes you will see in coming years for digital and mobile marketing is a move toward more video. And, that video will be increasingly short to match the short attention spans of consumers. Expect to see 7 second commercials online and on video.
3/22/15 — Favorite Content Marketing Tools
My favorite content marketing tool is to get quotes from numerous experts about a particular topic.
3/2/15 — Rasmussen College
“An adaptive design site, on the other hand, detects the type of device being used and will change to fit an ideally predetermined set of screen sizes,” Bentz says. “It then delivers the best possible version to each device.”
1/13/15 — Facebook Advertising
“Most industry experts anticipate it going to just 1.5 percent in 2015.”
11/28/18 — Pizza Magazine
“A mobile website with online ordering is the single most valuable thing you’ll do in mobile marketing”
11/20/14 — Business Productivity Tips
The only time I feel limited by mobile is if I’m on a site that isn’t mobile friendly!
9/24/14 — Generation Text
“Millennials often don’t want to make phone calls, and many people are afraid of the ‘sales pitch.’ “
9/16/14 — Secrets of Small Business Success
I can say that no employee of our company has ever missed one of their kids’ after-school sporting events. That’s something we can provide that large companies can’t.
9/8/14 — Book More Brides
Millennials often don’t want to make phone calls, and many people are afraid of the ‘sales pitch.’ The Text Anytime option allows you to capture the lead when they’re on your mobile site and answer questions in a medium they respond to.
9/8/14 — Little League for Less
When you get done practicing out on the field, you might want to spend some extra time looking around. “You’ll want to encourage your Little Leaguer to practice on his or her own,” Bentz says. “And you can find lots of used baseballs at some fields where foul balls fly into the woods. If the balls are wet, put them in Kitty Litter to dry them out.”
8/19/14 — Workopolis
If they get it wrong, but say the wrong answer with authority, I just may continue to consider them.
7/23/14 — IT Business Canada
“Text messaging is the least sophisticated of what we do but it’s the most affordable”
7/21/14 — CBS 3 Philadelphia
For managers, I could care less what your GPA was.
6/19/14 — American Express Open Forum
Our interns have real jobs and make a real contribution to the company; they aren’t fetching lunch for the boss.
5/13/14 — Business News Daily
“With GoToMeeting, at any time, you can share your screen and turn the steering wheel over to the customer to do the work”
5/8/14 — Online Marketing Tips for Small Businesses
We have been having great success for our mobile marketing clients with Facebook advertising.
4/18/14 — Why did You Start Your Business?
we started our business to provide business to business premium rate services
4/14/14 — How to Generate a Business Idea
Getting out is key; if you lock yourself in the office all day, you won’t see what is new in the world.
3/19/14 — Self Employed King
I am aware of at least one good sale that came from a customer that read our quote about geo-location mobile advertising.
3/4/14 — Favorite Content Marketing Tools
You’ll get bonus readers from the link and it will also help your SEO!
2/1/14 — What Does it Take to Get Hired and Promoted?
If [new hires] are always looking to further their knowledge about the industry by asking to attend trade shows or go to local networking events. Then, I can see they want to make a career out of our business.
1/14/14 — Mobile Industry Expert Predictions
The beauty of geo-fencing in mobile ad buys is no waste.
1/14/14 — Huffington Post
“If [new hires] are always looking to further their knowledge about the industry by asking to attend trade shows or go to local networking events. Then, I can see they want to make a career out of our business.”
12/31/13 — Employment Crossing
…once a person gains experience, their GPA is not nearly as important as their work experience.
12/14/13 — Jennings Wire
“What is a quarter of a half?”
11/5/13 — Self Employed King
When I get a call from a previous contact, I bring up their profile on LinkedIn and there I have the details of our previous meetings.
9/26/13 — PPAI Publications
It is rare in our business for our salespeople to call a prospect and have them say: “I need your product right now.”
9/19/13 — Computerworld
“when the game is on the line, you want a seasoned systems software engineer that can pull the game out, often in a do-or-die situation.”
8/23/13 — Deseret News
“It was red and it was fast,”
7/16/13 — Affiliate Help: How to Make Money Online
I started one of the first ringtone sites in the USA called Ringingphone.com.
6/18/13 — Baseball Star Andrew Austen
“Andrew Austen is just a great kid,”
5/5/13 — CEO Blog Nation
It has only been in this past year when we’ve decided that the name “ATS Mobile” better reflects our company goals, but note that we kept the acronym “ATS” in the company name to reflect the 24 years of successful business-something no Other Company in the mobile marketing business can claim.
4/19/13 — How Did You Come Up with Your Business Name?
We were seeking a generic sounding name that would stand the test of time as the company evolved.
4/1/13 — The ALIVE Experience
…people in his office play basketball at 12:30 p.m. on Fridays in the spring and summer.
3/29/13 — Business News Daily
Nominating a ballplayer that I’d like on my business team. — Every business needs somebody to do the dirty work and catcher is the position with the most dirty work.
2/19/13 — Inc.
people in his office play basketball at 12:30 p.m. on Fridays in the spring and summer.
1/23/13 — Idea Mensch
When I look at other companies in our industry who were once strong competitors, they disappeared because they didn’t keep re-inventing themselves like we have.
12/27/12 — Business Interviews
Being a small business technology company is not easy, especially as rapidly as technology has changed over the past twenty years.
11/20/12 — Inc.
The tax code also needs to be simplified and loopholes closed, because at the end of the day wealthy people do pay less, percentage-wise, than the middle class.
6/6/12 — Page One Power
I’ve learned about telecom, but my passion has always remained in media.
10/21/11 — How to Maximize the Effectiveness of a QR Code Promotion
On average, Bentz said, his research shows that a custom QR Code will elicit 2.4 times more scans than a standard QR Code.
6/23/11 — Radio Cashes In on Love
Users will start going steady and drop out of the online dating pool for a while, but then they breakup three months later and are back using the service again.
6/13/11 — Hip to Be Square
One of the raps against QR codes has been that it is nothing more than a square box of squiggly black and white lines that don’t represent one brand over another,
6/3/11 — Executive Leaders Radio
Radio interview with Bob Bentz on WIFI-AM and other talk radio stations.
5/20/11 — Philly Pizza Restaurant Rolling in the Dough
We got an 11% return rate on the Super Bowl promotion.
12/10/10 —Dating on the Go
Podcast interview with Bob Bentz on online dating affiliate programs.
6/8/10 — Toilet Paper Entrepreneur
I am looking for applicants that answer the question positively and confidently.
1/29/10 — Columbia News Service
“There’s no question that there’s been a decline,”
12/8/09 — Nightclub & Bar
Nightclubs have been a very good market for us because customers are young, likely don’t have a landline phone, and are very mobile and not e-mail oriented,
10/31/08 — Los Angeles Times
If you’re waiting for the bus, you can be finding a date.
10/15/09 — Telemedia News
Thanks to a much improved 900 number business climate, Canada has recently been a hot bed of activity for Call TV programs which are relatively new to the North American market.
12/2/03 — The Free Library
ATS is handling calls for an instant win sweepstakes that allows callers to vote on a new ailment for Hasbro’s “Operation” game.
12/15/94 — Money magazine
Bob Bentz, author of Opportunity Is Calling: How to Start Your Own 900 Business (ATS Printing, $29.95; 800-247-1287), estimates that about 80% of the lines sponsored by entrepreneurs have failed within three years.
7/9/92 — Philly.com
This type of pitch is catering to dreamers,